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Sargasso Networks

SSL Certificates

Generating a CSR for Ensim

Follow these instructions to generate a CSR for your Web site.

  1. Open the Apache web server manager

  2. Select SSL settings

  3. At the bottom of the form selecte Generate

  4. Enter the CSR information

When creating a CSR you must follow these conventions. Enter the information to be displayed in the certificate. The following characters can not be accepted: < > ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * / \ ( ) ?.,&

    DN Field



    Common Name The fully qualified domain name for your web server. This must be an exact match. If you intend to secure the URL https://www.geotrust.com, then your CSR's common name must be www.geotrust.com.
    Organization The exact legal name of your organization. Do not abbreviate your organization name. GeoTrust
    Organization Unit Section of the organization Marketing
    City or Locality The city where your organization is legally located. Wellesley Hills
    State or Province The state or province where your organization is legally located. Can not be abbreviated. Massachusetts
    Country The two-letter ISO abbreviation for your country. US
  1. Click Save

  2. The SSL window will then display the certificate request in an encrypted format.

  3. Submit your CSR to us by pasting it into the form.You will be asked to complete the agreement and the enrollment form as well.

See Also



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