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Sargasso Networks

SSL Certificates

Generating a CSR for Jakarta-Tomcat

Follow these instructions to generate a CSR for your Web site.

If you are not using JDK 1.4 or higher, you must download and install "Java Secure Socket Extensions" (JSSE).

1. Generate a private key with the following command:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore /path/to/domainname.kdb

You will be prompted for a password. Tomcat uses a default password of "changeit". If you use a different password, you will need to specify a custom password in the server.xml configuration file.

The next field that you will be prompted for is "What is your first and last name?" At this prompt, you must specify the common name (FQDN) of your web site.

You will then be prompted for your organizational unit, organization, etc.

2. Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -keystore /path/to/keystore.kdb -file filename.csr

You will not be prompted for the common name, organization, etc. The keytool will use the values that you specify when generating the private key.

3. Copy the Certificate Signing Request and paste into our web form.

**** Be sure to include -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----

4. Make a backup of the keystore.kdb key database. We are not responsible if your server crashes and this file is lost.

See Also



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